Conservation Biology seminar 2015


18.02.2015 Sandro Wanner
MSc Thesis first results: Birds avoiding proximity to wind turbine and critical analysis of the dtBird system

25.02.2015 Arnaud Barras
Does micro-habitat selection by the ring ouzel Turdus torquatus in the Swiss Alps suggests future sensitivity to climate change? (MSc proposal)

04.03.2015 Eva Ritschard
The effect of biodiversity promoting areas on bird and butterfly species in agricultural landscapes -
the importance of size, quality and connectivity (MSc proposal)

11.03.2015 Chantal Herzog
Belowground community responses to grassland management intensification in montane and subalpine regions (MSc proposal)

11.03.2015 Roman Bühler
Food abundance and sex specific habitat selection of hoopoes Upupa epops in intensively managed fruit cultures (MSc proposal)

18.03.2015 Lukas Lischer
The influence of altered mowing regimes of lowland meadows on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (MSc proposal)

25.03.2015 Damaris Siegenthaler, Nora Rieder, Yasemin Kurtogullari
BSc proposals

01.04.2015 Claire Guyot
Species-specific effects of natural structures and ground vegetation on birds occurring in vineyards in the canton of Valais (MSc preliminary results)

08.04.2015 Easter break

15.04.2015 Livio Rey
Evaluating bird species responses to fires in southern Switzerland (MSc results)

15.04.2015 Timea Szikora
Effects of different mowing regimes on parasitic wasps in Swiss lowland extensively managed meadows (MSc results)


16.09.2015 Introduction to the seminar

23.09.2015 Eva Ritschard
Agri-environment schemes in agricultural landscapes: the importance of area, quality and connectivity for bird and butterfly biodiversity (Pre-final MSc results)

30.09.2015 Claudia Blumenstein, Nora Rieder, Yasemin Kurtogullari
Grassland management - Designing tomorrow’s farmland: impact on plant diversity and pollinators (BSc results)

07.10.2015 Matthias Tschumi (Agroscope Reckenholz)
Flower strips for biological pest control beyond biodiversity conservation

14.10.2015 Melissa Oddie (Vetsuisse)
Assisted adaptation in the face of Varroa destructor: Apis mellifera overcoming an invasive parasite and its associated pathogens (PhD first results)

21.10.2015 Lukas Lischer + Damaris Siegenthaler
The influence of altered mowing regimes of lowland meadows on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (First MSc + BSc results)

28.10.2015 James Hale
Artificial lighting and the ecology of Swiss nightscapes

04.11.2015 Malie Lessard-Therrien
Alpine Grassland project; results on the effect of agricultural intensification on biodiversity after 5 years of experiment

11.11.2015 Claire Guyot
Seasonal effects of landscape characteristics & management on bird abundance and diversity in Swiss vineyards (Final MSc results)

18.11.2015 Chantal Herzog
Belowground community responses to grassland management intensification in mountain meadowland (First MSc results)

25.11.2015 Arnaud Barras
Foraging habitat selection by the ring ouzel Turdus torquatus in its alpine timberline ecosystem (First Msc Results)

02.12.2015 Aline Hayoz-Andrey
Optimal balance between yield and biodiversity in montane and subalpine meadows (PhD defense trial)

09.12.2015 Roman Bühler
Sex-specific habitat selection of hoopoes in intensively managed fruit cultures (Preliminary Msc Results)

16.12.2015 Silvia Zingg
Land-use: density - intensity curves for birds