Arlettaz, R. & G. Chapron. 2020. Swiss law would weaken wildlife protection. Science 369: 1576-1576. (PDF, 101KB)

Arlettaz, R. & P. Christe. 2020. Crise de la biodiversité, dysfonctionnements écosystémiques et émergence des pandémies humaines. In Tumulte postcorona: les crises, en sortir et bifurquer (eds. A.C. Menétrey-Savary, R. Mahaim & L. Recordon), pp. 155-162. Editions d’en bas, Lausanne. (PDF, 154KB)

Barras, A.G., S. Marti, S. Ettlin, S. Vignali, J. Resano-Mayor, V. Braunisch & R. Arlettaz. 2020. The importance of seasonal environmental factors in the foraging habitat selection of Alpine Ring Ouzels Turdus torquatus alpestris. Ibis 162: 505-519. (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Basile, M., T. Asbeck, M. Jonker, A.K. Knuff, J. Bauhus, V. Braunisch, G. Mikusiński & I. Storch. 2020. What do tree-related microhabitats tell us about the abundance of forest-dwelling bats, birds, and insects? Journal of Environmental Management 264: article 110401.  PDF

Brambilla, M., J. Resano-Mayor, R. Arlettaz, C. Bettega, A. Binggeli, G. Bogliani, V. Braunisch, C. Celada, D. Chamberlain, J. Chiffard Carricaburu, M.d.M. Delgado, P. Fontanilles, P. Kmecl, F. Korner, R. Lindner, P. Pedrini, J. Pöhacker, B. Rubinič, C. Schano, D. Scridel, E. Strinella, N. Teufelbauer & M. de Gabriel Hernando. 2020. Potential distribution of a climate sensitive species, the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Europe. Bird Conservation International 30: 522-532. (PDF, 204KB)

Brambilla, M., D. Scridel, G. Bazzi, L. Ilahiane, A. Iemma, P. Pedrini, E. Bassi, R. Bionda, L. Marchesi, F. Genero, N. Teufelbauer, R. Probst, A. Vrezec, P. Kmecl, T. Mihelič, G. Bogliani, H. Schmid, G. Assandri, R. Pontarini, V. Braunisch, R. Arlettaz & D. Chamberlain. 2020. Species interactions and climate change: How the disruption of species co-occurrence will impact on an avian forest guild. Global Change Biology 26: 1212-1224. (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Breitenmoser, S., J.Y. Humbert & S. Viollier. 2020. Création de nouvelles prairies dans le réseau écologique « La Frontière » VD et effets sur les orthoptères (Insecta: Orthoptera). Alpine Entomology 4: 117-128. (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Colomer, M.À., P. Oliva-Vidal, J. Jiménez, J.M. Martínez & A. Margalida. 2020. Prioritizing among removal scenarios for the reintroduction of endangered species: insights from bearded vulture simulation modeling. Animal Conservation 23: 396-406. (PDF, 602KB)

Coppes, J., V. Braunisch, K. Bollmann, I. Storch, P. Mollet, V. Grünschachner-Berger, J. Taubmann, R. Suchant & U. Nopp-Mayr. 2020. The impact of wind energy facilities on grouse: a systematic review. Journal of Ornithology 161: 1-15. (PDF, 861KB)

Coppes, J., J.L. Kämmerle, V. Grünschachner-Berger, V. Braunisch, K. Bollmann, P. Mollet, R. Suchant & U. Nopp-Mayr. 2020. Consistent effects of wind turbines on habitat selection of capercaillie across Europe. Biological Conservation 244: Article 108529. (PDF, 1.6 MB)

García-Jiménez, R., J.M. Martínez-González, P. Oliva-Vidal, J. Piqué, J.A. Sesé & A. Margalida. 2020. Nocturnal flights by Bearded Vultures Gypaetus barbatus detected for the first-time using GPS and accelerometer data. Bird Study 67: 135-141. (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Kämmerle, J.L., V. Braunisch, R. Suchant & J. Coppes. 2020. Quantifying the effectiveness of habitat management to counter local extinction: A case-study on capercaillie. Forest Ecology and Management 474: Article Number: 118379. PDF

Katzner, T.E. & R. Arlettaz. 2020. Evaluating Contributions of Recent Tracking-Based Animal Movement Ecology to Conservation Management. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: Article 519. (PDF, 352KB)

Klein, N., C. Theux, R. Arlettaz, A. Jacot & J.N. Pradervand. 2020. Modeling the effects of grassland management intensity on biodiversity. Ecology and Evolution 10: 13518-13529. (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Kurtogullari, Y., V. Moser, M. Hochreutener & A. Jacot. 2020. Zum Kuckuck, da füttern zwei potenzielle Wirtsarten gleichzeitig. Ornithologischer Beobachter 117: 74-76. (PDF, 5.0 MB)

Kurtogullari, Y., N.S. Rieder, R. Arlettaz & J.Y. Humbert. 2020. Conservation and restoration of Nardus grasslands in the Swiss northern Alps. Applied Vegetation Science 23: 26-38. (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Luisier, C., S. Mettaz, J.N. Pradervand & E. Revaz. 2020. Habitat, reproduction et régime alimentaire du Tichodrome échelette Tichodroma muraria dans le sud-ouest des Alpes suisses. Nos Oiseaux 67: 179-204. (PDF, 2.4 MB)

Marcacci, G., J. Gremion, J. Mazenauer, T. Sori, F. Kebede, M. Ewnetu, P. Christe, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2020. Large-scale versus small-scale agriculture: Disentangling the relative effects of the farming system and semi-natural habitats on birds’ habitat preferences in the Ethiopian highlands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 289: article 106737. (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Margalida, A. & R. Arlettaz. 2020. Gypaetus barbatus    Bearded Vulture.  In European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change (eds. V. Keller, S. Herrando, P. Voříšek, M. Franch, M. Kipson, P. Milanesi, D. Martí, M. Anton, A. Kivañová, M.V. Kalyakin, H.G. Bauer & R.P.B. Foppen), pp. ??. European Bird Census Council and Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Margalida, A., J. Jiménez, J.M. Martínez, J.A. Sesé, D. García-Ferré, A. Llamas, M. Razin, M.À. Colomer & B. Arroyo. 2020. An assessment of population size and demographic drivers of the Bearded Vulture using integrated population models. Ecological Monographs 90: e01414. (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Martínez, J.E., I. Zuberogoitia, J.M. Escarabajal, E. Cerezo, J.F. Calvo & A. Margalida. 2020. Breeding behaviour and time-activity budgets of Bonelli’s Eagles Aquila fasciata: marked sexual differences in parental activities. Bird Study 67: 35-44. (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Maurer, C., L. Bosco, E. Klaus, S.A. Cushman, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2020. Habitat amount mediates the effect of fragmentation on a pollinator’s reproductive performance, but not on its foraging behaviour. Oecologia 193: 523-534. (PDF, 1007KB)

Moreno-Opo, R., A. Trujillano & A. Margalida. 2020. Larger size and older age confer competitive advantage: dominance hierarchy within European vulture guild. Scientific Reports 10: article number 2430. (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Nadal, J., C. Ponz, A. Margalida & L. Pennisi. 2020. Ecological markers to monitor migratory bird populations: Integrating citizen science and transboundary management for conservation purposes. Journal of Environmental Management 255: article 109875. (PDF, 865KB)

Plard, F., R. Arlettaz, A. Jacot & M. Schaub. 2020. Disentangling the spatial and temporal causes of decline in a bird population. Ecology and Evolution 10: 6906-6918. (PDF, 789KB)

Resano-Mayor, J., C. Bettega, M.d.M. Delgado, Á. Fernández-Martín, S. Hernández-Gómez, I. Toranzo, A. España, M. de Gabriel, I. Roa-Álvarez, J.A. Gil, E. Strinella, K.A. Hobson & R. Arlettaz. 2020. Partial migration of White-winged snowfinches is correlated with winter weather conditions. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01346. (PDF, 541KB)

Rime, Y., C. Luisier, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2020. Landscape heterogeneity and management practices drive habitat preferences of wintering and breeding birds in intensively-managed fruittree plantations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 295: Article 106890. (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Roder, S., F. Biollaz, S. Mettaz, F. Zimmermann, R. Manz, M. Kéry, S. Vignali, L. Fumagalli, R. Arlettaz & V. Braunisch. 2020. Deer density drives habitat use of establishing wolves in the Western European Alps. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 995-1008. (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Storch, I., J. Penner, T. Asbeck, M. Basile, J. Bauhus, V. Braunisch, C.F. Dormann, J. Frey, S. Gärtner, M. Hanewinkel, B. Koch, A.M. Klein, T. Kuss, M. Pregernig, P. Pyttel, A. Reif, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, G. Segelbacher, U. Schraml, M. Staab, G. Winkel & R. Yousefpour. 2020. Evaluating the effectiveness of retention forestry to enhance biodiversity in production forests of Central Europe using an interdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. Ecology and Evolution 10: 1489-1509. (PDF, 2.0 MB)

Tarjuelo, R., A. Margalida & F. Mougeot. 2020. Changing the fallow paradigm: A win–win strategy for the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy to halt farmland bird declines. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 642-649. (PDF, 669KB)

van Overveld, T., G. Blanco, M. Moleón, A. Margalida, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, M. de la Riva & J.A. Donázar. 2020. Integrating vulture social behavior into conservation practice. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 122: Article Number: duaa035. (PDF, 774KB)

Vignali, S., A.G. Barras, R. Arlettaz & V. Braunisch. 2020. SDMtune: An R package to tune and evaluate species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution 10: 11488-11506. (PDF, 738KB)

Zielewska-Büttner, K., P. Adler, S. Kolbe, R. Beck, L.M. Ganter, B. Koch & V. Braunisch. 2020. Detection of Standing Deadwood from Aerial Imagery Products: Two Methods for Addressing the Bare Ground Misclassification Issue. Forests 11: Article Number: 801. PDF


Newspaper & Magazine articles

Arlettaz, R. 2020. Luchswilderei im Wallis ist ein Fakt; Über die Walliser Luchsdichte; Replik an Daniel Kalbermatten. 3 Leserbriefe, Walliser Bote, September 2020. (PDF, 334KB), (PDF, 328KB), (PDF, 259KB)

Arlettaz, R. 2020. Chasse aux trophées de bouquetins: mascarade étatique. Le Nouvelliste, 23.9.2020. (PDF, 568KB)

Arlettaz, R. 2020. Les espèces en péril, oubliées de la nouvelle loi sur la chasse. Le Temps, 2.9.2020. (PDF, 745KB)

Arlettaz, R. 2020. Service de la chasse, de la pêche et de la faune: les changements qui s’imposent / Dienststelle für Jagd, Fischerei und Wildtiere: Veränderungen sind dringend nötig. fauna•vs info 37, pp. 18-21. (PDF, 172KB)

Arlettaz, R. 2020. La chasse aux trophées et ses aspects financiers. Le Temps, 4.2.2020. (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Arlettaz, R. 2020. Le mythe de la régulation par l’homme. Le Nouvelliste, 6.1.2020. (PDF, 481KB)