Arlettaz, R., V. Braunisch, M. Schaub & J.E.M. Watson. 2011. Response from Arlettaz and Colleagues to "Change in Conservation Efforts" by Jenkins and Maxwell. BioScience 61: 93-94. (PDF, 67KB)

Arlettaz, R., G. Chapron & V. Braunisch. 2011. Active scepticism must drive biodiversity conservation science. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26: 379-380. (PDF, 63KB)

Arlettaz, R., A. Lugon, A. Sierro, P. Werner, M. Kéry & P.A. Oggier. 2011. River bed restoration boosts habitat mosaics and the demography of two rare non-aquatic vertebrates. Biological Conservation 144: 2126-2132. (PDF, 705KB)

Ashrafi, S., A. Beck, M. Rutishauser, R. Arlettaz & F. Bontadina. 2011. Trophic niche partitioning of cryptic species of long-eared bats in Switzerland: implications for conservation. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 843-849. (PDF, 168KB)

Biollaz, F., B. Posse, S. Denis, B. Gabbud, N. Jordan, S. Mettaz, B. Michellod & R. Arlettaz. 2011. Premières reproductions du Gypaète barbu Gypaetus barbatus en Valais depuis son extermination à la fin du XIXe siècle. Nos Oiseaux 58: 3-12. PDF

Braunisch, V., P. Patthey & R. Arlettaz. 2011. Spatially explicit modeling of conflict zones between wildlife and snow sports: prioritizing areas for winter refuges. Ecological Applications 21: 955-967. (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Cabezón, O., I. García-Bocanegra, R. Molina-López, I. Marco, J.M. Blanco, U. Höfle, A. Margalida, E. Bach-Raich, L. Darwich, I. Echeverría, E. Obón, M. Hernández, S. Lavín, J.P. Dubey & S. Almería. 2011. Seropositivity and Risk Factors Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Wild Birds from Spain. PLoS ONE 6: e29549. (PDF, 109KB)

Emaresi, G., J. Pellet, S. Dubey, A.H. Hirzel & L. Fumagalli. 2011. Landscape genetics of the Alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) inferred from a strip-based approach. Conservation Genetics 12: 41-50. (PDF, 335KB)

Fontana, S., T. Sattler, F. Bontadina & M. Moretti. 2011. How to manage the urban green to improve bird diversity and community structure. Landscape and Urban Planning 101: 278-285. (PDF, 457KB)

Heer, P., J. Pellet, A. Sierro & R. Arlettaz. 2011. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Schutz und zur Ökologie des Blasenstrauchbläulings Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816). Entomo Helvetica 4: 111-127. (PDF, 3.7 MB)

Margalida, A., D. Campión & J.A. Donázar. 2011. European vultures' altered behaviour. Nature 480: 457-457. (PDF, 227KB)

Margalida, A., M.À. Colomer & D. Sanuy. 2011. Can Wild Ungulate Carcasses Provide Enough Biomass to Maintain Avian Scavenger Populations? An Empirical Assessment Using a Bio-Inspired Computational Model. PLoS ONE 6: e20248. (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Margalida, A. & D. García. 2011. Intraspecific nest usurpation in the bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus in Catalonia (NE Spain). Ardeola 58: 303-308. (PDF, 79KB)

Margalida, A., D. Oro, A. Cortés-Avizanda, R. Heredia & J.A. Donázar. 2011. Misleading Population Estimates: Biases and Consistency of Visual Surveys and Matrix Modelling in the Endangered Bearded Vulture. PLoS ONE 6: e26784. (PDF, 217KB)

Obrist, M. K., E. Rathey, F. Bontadina, A. Martinoli, M. Conedera, P. Christe & M. Moretti. 2011. Response of bat species to sylvo-pastoral abandonment. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 789-798. (PDF, 653KB)

Pasinelli, G., M. Schaub, G. Häfliger, M. Frey, H. Jakober, M. Müller, W. Stauber, P. Tryjanowski, J.L. Zollinger & L. Jenni. 2011. Impact of density and environmental factors on population fluctuations in a migratory passerine. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 225-234. (PDF, 287KB)

Reers, H., A. Jacot & W. Forstmeier. 2011. Do Zebra Finch Parents Fail to Recognise Their Own Offspring? PLoS ONE 6: e18466. (PDF, 354KB)

Rickenbach, O., M.U. Grüebler, M. Schaub, A. Koller, B.Naef-Daenzer & L. Schifferli. 2011. Exclusion of ground predators improves Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus chick survival. Ibis 153: 531-542. (PDF, 246KB)

Schaub, M. & F. Abadi. 2011. Integrated population models: a novel analysis framework for deeper insights into population dynamics. Journal of Ornithology 152: S227-S237. (PDF, 299KB)

Schaub, M., H. Jakober & W. Stauber. 2011. Demographic response to environmental variation in breeding, stopover and non-breeding areas in a migratory passerine. Oecologia 167: 445-459. (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Schaub, M., M. Kéry, S. Birrer, M. Rudin & L. Jenni. 2011. Habitat-density associations are not geographically transferable in Swiss farmland birds. Ecography 34: 693-704. (PDF, 240KB)

Weisshaupt, N., R. Arlettaz, T.S. Reichlin, A. Tagmann-Ioset & M. Schaub. 2011. Habitat selection by foraging Wrynecks Jynx torquilla during the breeding season: identifying the optimal habitat profile. Bird Study 58: 111-119. (PDF, 212KB)


Newspaper articles

Arlettaz, R. 2011. Climat et médias. Le Temps, 14.12.2011. (PDF, 3.8 MB)

Arlettaz, R. 2011. Climat et Copernic. Le Temps, 5.10.2011. (PDF, 259KB)

Arlettaz, R. 2011. Extinctions en question. Le Temps, 1.6.2011. (PDF, 5.3 MB)

Arlettaz, R. 2011. Extinction de masse Nº 6. Le Temps, 9.3.2011. (PDF, 1.9 MB)